Fraud Protection
Safety and security are top
Organizations that don’t take precautions to prevent fraud often think it won’t happen to them; unfortunately, it is no longer “if” but “when.” It can be daunting to consider the fallout, and overwhelming to think about establishing fraud preventative measures, but creating a business fraud prevention plan is necessary to reduce risk.
How to report fraud
If you think you have received a fraudulent email, do not act on it but please call us before deleting it so we can investigate for you.
Report fraud by phone: 773-467-5600
Report fraud by email to: your designated account representative or
Fraud protection solutions
Fraud alerts
ACH transaction blocks and filters
Positive Pay
Reverse Positive Pay
Payee Check Positive Pay
Fraud insights, resources and best practices
Signature Bank is committed to keeping your account information safe, but security is a team
effort. There are immediate actions you can take to minimize your risk of fraud. Learn more
with these helpful resources.
Additional resources for your protection